Over 200 people attended our Annual Real Estate Law Day at
the Hilton in Burlington. Attendees and
six amazing sponsors spent the day discussing all things real estate with colleagues at this popular annual
event. There was not a dull moment as
the knowledgeable panelists spoke of parcel mapping, solar contracts, life
estates, representing buyers and sellers, foreclosures and ethical issues in
real estate. New this year, we had 2 beginner breakout sessions, covering more
ground than ever. The VBA was fortunate enough to have Easy-Soft, Inc., E-Closing,
First American Exchange, First American Title, Vermont Attorneys Title and White
& Burke Real Estate Advisors share their products and services
with attendees.
Rather than describe the day any further, why not just show
you? We captured smiling and enthralled attendees and panelists all day on camera!
Thank you attendees, sponsors and presenters for making this day a success,
with special thanks to your Real Property Section Co-Chairs, Jim Knapp and Benj
Deppman. See you next year!