The VBA Nominating Committee
met on December 13, 2019 and recommended that Robert Fletcher become
President-Elect of the VBA Board of Managers. The Nominating Committee also
recommended that Katelyn Atwood, incumbent, run unopposed and that there be two
contested elections for the remaining two board seats: Kelsey Bain vs. James
Rodgers, incumbent and Alexandrea Nelson vs. Alfonso Villegas. The Treasurer
and Secretary seats would remain unchanged. Regarding the VBA Delegate to the
American Bar Association House of Delegates, the Nominating Committee accepted
nominations for a contested election between Fritz Langrock and Eleanor
Spottswood. Statements of interest and head shots for each of the non-officer
nominees are below. The Nominating Committee Report is HERE.
For the VBA Board of

Serving on the Board of Managers would be an opportunity for
me to give back to the Vermont legal community and address issues currently
facing the bar. As a young attorney, of
particular interest to me is promoting job networking and counseling services
to recent law school graduates. I would
like to work towards finding new ways to keep Vermont Law School graduates in
Vermont and to attract out of state law school graduates to Vermont. I would also like to create and strengthen
programs that focus on mental health and substance abuse issues in the legal
profession. As an attorney practicing in
Bennington County, I’ve found it can be difficult to take advantage of many of
the opportunities available in Montpelier and Burlington. I would like to develop and expand our
current CLE program to create more substantive CLE opportunities in some of the
more remote parts of the state.
I look forward to the
opportunity to serve the bar and to work on addressing these issues and others
in the year to come.

Most of the members of the VBF Board and VBA Board of Managers do not come from Windham County. As a member from Windham County, I have spoken as often as possible on behalf of the views and experiences of VBA members from the southern counties to help ensure that they are directly represented and understood. I believe that my advocacy as a Bar Manager has already encouraged a feeling of collaboration between attorneys who often work far apart and who therefore only meet within an adversarial context.
I hope to continue this work over the coming two years and ask again for the support of those who voted for me in 2018.

I am very interested in joining the VBA Board of
Managers. In particular, I am interested in working with the VBA to
develop strategies to attract and retain young lawyers to practice in Vermont.
In my experience, it is difficult for Vermont to attract young lawyers
because of the pay gap between large markets and Vermont. However, I believe
Vermont offers young attorneys a unique opportunity to engage in practical
legal work far sooner than their big law counterparts. I believe the VBA
could be integral in working with the community to find strategic ways to close
the pay gap young Vermont practitioners experience. I am also interested
in working with the VBA to find ways to promote the value a Vermont practice
offers young attorneys.

For VBA Delegate to
the ABA:

I have been representing the Vermont legal community in the ABA House of Delegates for 12 years. First, as Vermont’s ABA State Delegate for 9 years from 2007-2016. Now, I am currently in my third and final year as a member of the Board of Governors, representing ABA District One (Vermont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine). I am on the Board’s Finance Committee, and I chair the Board’s Subcommittee on Investments. I am also liaison from the Board to the Criminal Justice Section, the Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defense and the Standing Committee on Delivery of Legal Services.
I have served as chair of the House of Delegates Committee on Technology and Communications, vice-chair of the House’s Select Committee and as a member of ABA the Standing Committee on Science and Technology and the Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services. I was also on the council of ABA’s General Practice, Solo, Small Firm Division for two separate terms. Over the past 12 years, I have had the yearly privilege of attending ABA day with the VBA president, president-elect, and executive director, lobbying our congressional delegation to fund Legal Services Corporation and on other issues of importance to the ABA and the VBA.
I am currently the co-chair of the Vermont Bar Foundation’s Access to Justice Campaign.
I am devoted to both the Vermont Bar Association and the American Bar Association and to the important role of supporting the legal profession and providing service to the community. I am honored to be considered for ABA representative to the VBA House of Delegates.

the Vermont delegate, I will work with other delegates to address changes and
challenges to the legal profession in Vermont. The number of pro se litigants
unable to afford legal services is on the rise, straining a system not built
for their use. Many younger lawyers are burdened with student debt and struggle
with the high cost of living, small job market, and relatively low wages in
Vermont. Although law schools have made progress in expanding clinical
programs, graduates still need mentorship and practical experience to become
successful practitioners.
will support creative approaches to these problems, from access to justice
issues to the continued relevance of legal education and licensing
requirements. As the at-large elected attorney member of the Judicial
Nominating Board, I have made connections with attorneys across the State and
listened to their systemic concerns. As the Chair of that Board, I led a
politically diverse group through a collaborative revision to our procedures,
incorporating updated anti-bias principles and conforming our work more closely
to the statutory selection criteria. I will bring the same skills to work as
Vermont’s ABA delegate. I will seek out feedback from the bar; I will promote
Vermont’s successful innovations, such as the option to read for the bar exam;
and I will work with other delegates to search for and implement solutions to
our collective challenges.
Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy. I welcome
your questions and comments.
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