There really was something for everyone at the VBA Annual
Meeting and Basic Skills events last week. We extended a warm welcome to new
admittees and lawyers relocating to Vermont at our semi-annual Basic Skills
event. The full day CLE on Thursday was packed with courses on professionalism,
Vermont procedures, family law, admin law and real estate, along with full, hot
and delicious meals at the Hilton waterfront.
The day was topped off with A Night at the Improv, as we brought the
Vermont Comedy Club to our meeting for some skits and reflections on mediation
techniques and quick-thinking. While the
selfie table was a bit lonely, some did make use of it…watch for an encore
appearance at an upcoming meeting!
Friday was packed with Vermont practice and procedure CLE’s,
ethics CLE’s, wellness CLE’s, implicit bias CLE and essential substantive updates
in criminal, municipal, family, collaborative, environmental, non-profit, employment,
immigration law along with some law practice management and cybersecurity programs
to round out the offerings. President Gary Franklin awarded VBA service awards
to Bob Paolini and Mike Kennedy for their decades of service to the bar. He also awarded Justice Marilyn Skoglund with
the President’s award upon her retirement, complete with a personalized gavel
and a Spanish bartending book! Incoming President Beth Novotny then took the
gavel and inspired attendees as she lauded attorneys for all the good work they
do on a regular basis.
Smiles were shared, prizes were won, bellies were stuffed,
cases were analyzed and collective wisdom grew as attendees enjoyed our 141st
VBA Annual Meeting. Special thanks to all of our exhibitors and sponsors who
made the meeting possible as well as to our esteemed presenters who donated
their time to share their knowledge with us all. As always, if you have any
ideas for programs you’d like to see or present, please contact me at jeb at
vtbar dot org. See you next time!

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