Thanks to the invaluable contributions of many, including presiding
judges from the federal, state and Vermont Supreme Court benches; Vermont
Fellows from the American College of Trial Lawyers; VBA Young Lawyers Division
members and volunteers from the Consumer Assistance Program and the Vermont Law
School, the 1st Annual VBA Trial Academy was roundly applauded by all
who were involved in the day-long program on July 21.
The VBA was delighted to organize an opportunity for lawyers
to present a variety of trial segments in either a criminal and a civil mock
trial setting. Each participating lawyer was critiqued in individual courtrooms
by one of the following volunteer presiding judges: U.S. District Court Judge
Christina Reiss, Justices Harold Eaton and Karen Carroll, and Vermont Superior
Court Judges Thomas Zonay, Cortland Corsones, Samuel Hoar and David Fenster. American College of Trial Lawyers Vermont
Fellows David Cleary, Richard Rubin, Karen McAndrew, James Murdoch, Bobby Sand,
Bill Leckerling and Peter Joslin joined the judges in offering thoughtful and
detailed critiques of the lawyer participants as they presented opening statements,
direct and cross examinations of fact and expert witnesses, and closing
statements in seven classrooms, each set up as courtrooms at VLS. All the
participating lawyers were incredibly well prepared and the presiding judges
and fellows offered meaningful suggestions.
YLD members Sebastian Arduengo, Charles Romeo, Timothy Fair,
Paula LeBlanc, Cielo Mendoza, Jennifer Hartman and Alison Milbury Stone ably served
as the witnesses being examined, potentially as fact or expert witnesses, with up
to 6 different character roles demanded of them for each trial. Jason Duquette-Hoffman and Lauren Dunn Jandl
from the Consumer Assistance Program joined VLS students Bomy Hwang, Rasheta
Butler, Kassie Tibbott, Adam Dennaoui and Ted Leckerling as timekeepers in each
courtroom to ensure equal time for the presentations and critiques. VBA
Executive Director Teri Corsones presented all of the volunteer judges,
fellows, witnesses and timekeepers with baked goods as a small token of
appreciation for all of their donated time and expertise.
Please enjoy pictures from the event, below!