We are going
LIVE, in-person, just one more time in 2018, so don’t miss it! Our annual Bankruptcy Holiday CLE and Luncheon
is December 7th in South Burlington.
The day will be jam-packed with CLE credits (6.0) including an hour of
ethics on succession planning. Added to
that we will have case summaries, bankruptcies for seniors, lease
reaffirmations, Chapter 13, creditor issues and more. And with LIVE comes the bonus of a hot
breakfast and lunch with your friends! You
can register HERE.
For a
glimpse into LIVE, check out these photos from our Real Estate Law Day and
Family Law Day held earlier this month.
Smiling faces, good food and tons of useful information in the form of
CLE credits. Nearly 200 folks attended our Real Estate Law Day at the
DoubleTree in South Burlington and nearly 50 attended Family Law Day at the
Capitol Plaza in Montpelier. The events
got great feedback for food, camaraderie and education! And check out that view! So, allow these images to
tide you over and get you pumped up for more LIVE fun and food-filled CLE’s in
Still need
LIVE credits? Don’t fret. While webinars only include breakfast and
lunch if you make them yourself, webinars do count as live credits, and could
include a sofa and slipper bonus! Our law practice management winter webinar
series is underway with the first webinar on law office technology coming to
your home or office on December 12th at noon. Registration is open, and it is only $35 for
1.0 CLE credit hour. Stay tuned, as January’s
webinar will cover marketing and February’s will cover financial management.
We hope
everyone has a safe and enjoyable thanksgiving week and we will see you at the Bankruptcy
Holiday CLE in December!