It’s the holiday season, snow is all around and we are bombarded
with the “bests” “worsts” “most” “biggest” what-have-yous of 2017. So why not join the reflection party?!
2017 was chock full at the VBA. For CLEs, we had:
Not only were the CLE’s plentiful
and educational, they were the subject of tweets and ‘likes’ and were regularly
followed. The VBA also kept busy making
sure our members had a seat at the table in the Statehouse, tracking all
legislation through our government relations guru, Bob Paolini. We co-hosted legislative days in each county
and had our legislators’ reception and breakfast. The VBA actively handed out ‘pocket constitutions’
and assisted with any Constitution Day presentations in schools, as well as
convening our own Constitution Day presentation.
The VBA Journal chugged along quarterly with fascinating
reads from our Ruminations author, Paul Gillies, and many Pursuits of Happiness
interviews on singing, mushrooms and karate, among others. Try entering our caption contest next year,
or submit a work of fiction! Don’t forget our Lawyer Referral Service, too,
which handles approximately 600 calls per month from Vermonters needing
representation. The VBA also assists
with actively engaging members to participate in commissions and committees
that help to preserve the rule of law, to improve access to justice and to make
the practice law better.
And let’s not forget VBA Connect. The old listserve service
was replaced by VBA Connect online communities making discussions available
online and making them archiveable and searchable. Documents can be posted to the
libraries. Many members are finding the
online communities a breeze to navigate.
Don’t be afraid to join the discussion—try it, you’ll like it! What discussion? Here’s what folks have been talking about
this year on VBA Connect:
Of course, as with our old
listserve service, the property law section wins again for the highest use…485
distinct discussion threads so far. Find
the answer you need through the collective wisdom of your colleagues. We are all in this together!

Happy New Year from all of us at the VBA. We hope to see you at our events in the
future. Speaking of the future … please
save the date for our May 16, 2018 Tech Show.
Be efficient. Be inspired. Be ready!